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As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  • Submitted manuscript is author´s original work, which he can support with evidence upon request.
  • The author only submits manuscripts not published previously elsewhere.
  • The author is the sole owner of copyright for the submitted manuscript; in case there are co-authors all authors must be listed and agree with the publication of the manuscript.
  • The author clearly, accurately and unequivocally lists all sources used when writing the manuscript.
  • The author informs the editor about any conflicts of interest related to the submitted manuscript
  • The author grants the publisher free of charge the right to publish the manuscript in printed or electronic form, include the article in databases, in which The Lawyer Quarterly is included


The Lawyer Quarterly (TLQ) is a peer-reviewed journal. All manuscripts received are evaluated by the editorial board of TLQ and by two anonymous external referees. Please note that our evaluation process takes account of several criteria. Excellence is a necessary condition for publication, but it is not always a sufficient condition. The need for a balance of topics, the Journal's particular areas of interest, which may change over time, the fact that something similar has already been published, etc., may also influence the final decision. Therefore, a rejection does not necessarily reflect upon the quality of a piece.

The TLQ submission evaluation process is completely anonymous. Therefore, before you submit, make sure that you have two separate files containing:

1. A manuscript with no information to identify the author/s. The editorial board of TLQ bears no responsibility for any consequences of insufficient level of anonymity of the text. An insufficient level of anonymity may result in a delay during the review proceeding.

2. A title page, which indicates the author’s name with all academic titles, an ORCID identifier, workplace, article title and email address.

TLQ welcomes submissions of the following types of manuscript: original articles, short reports and commentaries. In addition, TLQ also commissions book reviews and ‘discussion’ papers.

Please read the following instructions before submitting your paper to the TLQ magazine.

Instructions for authors:

 Submissions should be accompanied by an assurance that the manuscript has not been published, submitted, or accepted elsewhere. Submissions, in an electronic form only, are to be send to the editorial board of TLQ to the e-mail address tlq@ilaw.cas.cz. Also all other correspondence is to be addressed to the editorial board of TLQ using the same e-mail address tlq@ilaw.cas.cz.

 Manuscript Submission Guidelines:

 A manuscript that does not meet the formal requirements following from these Guidelines cannot be accepted for the review proceeding.

1. The number of pages of an article (paper) should not, in general, exceed 20 standard pages. The head of editorial board of TLQ may exceptionally accept also larger articles, if considered highly relevant. The number of pages of a book review and commentaries should not, in general, exceed 5 standard pages. In addition, TLQ also accepts ‘discussion’ papers of maximum 10 standard pages, and short reports of maximum 5 standard pages. Messages regarding events from scientific life are to be sent to the editorial board of TLQ within one month after taking place.


2. The manuscript shall meet the following formal requirements: the article, including an abstract (c. 5-6 sentences) and keywords (2-5), shall be written in English language using one of the generally available text editors (e.g. MS Word, preferred file suffix is rtf), font size shall be 12, type of font Times New Roman, line spacing 1.5 and borders at each side 2.5 cm. The manuscript must be paginated and divided into paragraphs and chapters, possibly with secondary titles. Notes in the manuscript are to be numbered in one series for the entire document and always included at the bottom of the corresponding page (footnotes). All citations is to comply with the CSN ISO 690 and CSN ISO 690-2 standard.


3. For more details on bibliographic references and other requirements see citation samples, available for downloading from the magazine's website: www.ilaw.cas.cz/tlq.


4. Authors bear full responsibility for the language, contents and formal level of the manuscript. The editorial board of TLQ will only make basic necessary language modifications of the texts received.


5. A manuscript that does not meet the formal requirements from these Instructions may not be accepted for the review proceeding.


Instructions for authors - citation




KNAPP, Viktor. Teorie práva. Prague: C. H. Beck, 1995, pp. 100-105.

- permissible is also another variant of writing the author's name: KNAPP, V. The same holds also for citing other sources.
- edition is in general specified only if it is 2nd or later edition, always in the same language as the rest of the document.
- if some information cannot be found omit it. When taking information from another source (e.g. database in a library) use square brackets:

RAUSCHER, R. Staré české právo v Randově díle. Prague: [self-published], 1943, p. 5.

SOMMER, O. Prameny soukromého práva římského. 2nd revised edition [Prague]: Melantrich, [1946], p. 26. 

Chapters from books - contribution to a collection - comments

PAUKNEROVÁ, Monika. Mezinárodní právo soukromé. In: Zdeněk Masopust (ed.). Právo a stát na stránkách Právníka. Prague: Institute of the State and Law, Academy of Sciences of the CR, 2011, pp. 369-370.
ELIÁŠ, K. Komentář k § 20i. In: J. Švestka – J. Spáčil – M. Škárová – M. Hulmák. Občanský zákoník I. § 1-459. Komentář. 2nd edition. Prague: C. H. Beck, 2009, pp. 276.

Articles in a magazines

ŠTURMA, Pavel. Aplikace pravidel o odpovědnosti států v mezinárodním investičním právu. Právník. 2012, Vol. 151, No. 9, p. 958.


Contribution on the website

KÜHN, Zdeněk. Jak zlepšit české právní informační systémy? In: Jiné právo [online]. 23.2.2008 [2012-08-29]. Available at: <http://jinepravo.blogspot.cz/2008/02/jak-zlepit-esk-prvn-informan-systmy.html>.
Article in an online journal

DOLEŽAL, Tomáš. Kompenzační schémata v případě odpovědnosti zdravotnických pracovníků za chybně provedený lékařský zákrok: Lze nalézt inspirativní právní transplantát? Časopis zdravotnického práva a bioetiky. 2011, Vol. 1, No. 2, [2012-08-29]. Available at: <http://www.ilaw.cas.cz/medlawjournal/index.php/medlawjournal/article/view/8>.


Short form citation (when citing the work repeatedly)

KNAPP, V. Teorie práva. pp. 249-250.