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Various effective models of parliamentary opposition have been implemented in European countries. Depending on the form of state government and political system, they differ in the degree of institutionalization of the parliamentary opposition, its role in lawmaking, and the ways it controls activities of the majority and the government. The development of the institution of parliamentary opposition based on the positive experience of European countries is an important condition for the evolution of parliamentary democracy in Ukraine within the framework of its European integration. This requires a synthesis of the advantages of different models of parliamentary opposition with due regard to the current realities, namely, the form of the government and political system of Ukraine as an Eastern European, post-Soviet country. The main principles of development of the institution of parliamentary opposition shall be as follows: to distinguish the status of majority and opposition, to ensure a balance of their rights and obligations, and to take into consideration the interests of the minority when exercising of power by the parliamentary majority. Besides, the legislative recognition of the parliamentary opposition in Ukraine shall contribute to its institutionalization, recognition of role of the parliamentary opposition as a political actor, as well as normalization of relations with the parliamentary coalition.
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